Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An Opposite Force can and will work for you and with you

The ego can’t understand that the spirit and soul are there to help. The ego of man will simply not understand what to do first to gain access to this world of the inner self. Indeed, the fear of this ‘other world’ will be so great that the ego will feel much ‘safer’ when it denies that another world could possibly exist. This is not right or wrong, but it is a lack of understanding that an opposite force can and will work for you and with you.”  (Bridges of Consciousness, 210)

            I read a few sentences the other day that have stayed with me – maybe like a piece of sand or grit that burrows to much later become a pearl. The sentences were about how we don’t usually understand that opposing forces can work together to help us. This pearl of thought is relevant to me as I watch the news, and as I review the “endless electoral cycle” that has become an embedded part of our American life in particular. As I watch the news stories every day, and read Spiritual Philosophy with an ever-growing appreciation and intention, I understand better how necessary it is that we understand our mission in life, AS life, and that life is meant to be understood to be truly enjoyed and celebrated (shared). We cannot truly do this (live) as our “best angels” until we know our best self, which is designed to live love, truth, and equality and all that unfolds from the Ethical Values.  Knowing our best self requires a motivation to know and developing a love for life and learning.

            Every day now I listen to stories of how we, as a culture and world, are struggling to understand truth and lying. From the most respected and accomplished personalities to the most singular and “invisible” personality, we are showing ourselves the challenge we have to know the love, truth, and equality of our internal self as we are designed to be and to live as a whole energy being.

            A body of work is a body of knowledge that sustains itself as a whole throughout its eternal life, in whatever form (as energy). I am a body of knowledge as physical matter, as I have been created from the passions of my parents, and as I have continued to support (or abuse) myself as a physical human being growing, day by day, year by year – cellular matter adding density and mass, into the time and space of Time and experience. What do I know of the body of knowledge that I am? How do I use or apply the knowledge that I am? Knowledge is only a possession when it is used only by the intellect. This can be very useful in many ways, as I’ve enjoyed and acknowledge throughout our human history, yet this is not the true gift of knowledge as a body of work, a whole (a gift that keeps on giving).

            This is what is coming to me as I listen to our collective challenges and struggles to understand truth and lying, and therefore love and equality – the basis of the Golden Rule, love your neighbor as yourself.  We have lots of words for how we think and live this struggle to be who we want to be – “cover up,” denial, secret, secretive, private, privacy, hidden, revealed, levels, shades, sharing – the list goes on and on. Just as the elements of wind, water, sun, and sand (Earth) shift and change throughout time, and together, we uncover within ourselves the levels of consciousness that we have lived as we have created our evolutionary cycles of life.  We cling to beliefs that we have made “sacred,” or “set in stone.” We become possessive of who is entrusted with “right” and/or “wrong.” A deepening exploration and exposure to the study of myself as energy is teaching me to understand what Mandelbrot exposed in his own ways about fractal geometry; what Jackson Pollock expressed in his own ways about the cohesiveness in the distinctive patterns of nature; what Pythagoras heard and defined as the music of the spheres.

            I am coming to appreciate what “a body of work” means.  What does it mean to “age gracefully”? How do we know and define objects or practices or thoughts and emotions as “timeless”? What do they tell us, show us; how do they enlighten us? Fragments are essentially part of a whole, and can be in themselves beautiful, of course. A perfectly curved lip (Think Elvis!); a perfectly delicate flower petal just beginning to burst into full bloom; the head of a dandelion; a single pearl. Yet without the identification or association of their being, they mean much less. The parts add up to the sum – yet the sum is not simply a sum of parts. We are energy beings – organic in our consciousness journey as we create our lives, inviting ourselves to wake up and smell the coffee (and the natural perfumes of all of life, the joys that transport and set us down, gently, etc.). To begin a journey of reading a writer’s body of work is to acknowledge the design and pattern of life, and to begin to incorporate, to absorb, to integrate knowledge that cannot simply be taken in by the intellect. The same is true of any art form, and life is designed as the art of change and growth. Evolution. To begin to learn is to begin to apply the knowledge that “I am that I am.” Thought form expressing itself as love.

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